
How to publish a scientific article in english

Inscripcions tancades


This course how to publish a scientific article in english for beginning researchers focuses on the IMRD structure of the research article and the steps of the publication process. Participants will bring to the session two recent research articles in their field (not review articles or other formats) that they enjoyed reading and that appeared in high-impact, English-medium journals. The articles should not be from the participants’ own research group.

Dirigit a

Course recommended for PhD students.


  • Review and enhance their understanding of the structure of scientific articles
  • Learn about the publication process and how to interact with journals
  • Implement their new learning in a series of in-class activities
  • Engage in peer feedback
  • Practice oral English through group activities and class discussion

Informació clau

Adreça Fundació Sant Joan de Déu
Carrer de Santa Rosa, 39-57
08950 Esplugues de Llobregat

Sala: Curie

Idioma Anglès
Hores lectives 5h