Pediatric Neurology
Discover our vast theoretical and practical offering in Pediatric Neurology, aimed at degree-holding medical and nursing staff.
Courses, conferences and webinars
Masters and training stays
You will learn with specialists from the Pediatric Neurology Department of SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital.
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Sharing our knowledge
Discover how the directors and instructors of the Pediatric Neurology specialty experience teaching.

La medicina és una activitat amb un altíssim impacte humà. Per tant, el tracte de màxim respecte, cura i afecte que dispensem al pacient ha d'estar a la mateixa alçada que l’atenció mèdica, basada en coneixements de la màxima excel·lència científica que requereixen una actualització permanent.
Guided by excellence
The most up-to-date information on yearly training in the field of Pediatric Neurology.
training hours
2023 data

Take your career to the next level
Refresh your knowledge of pediatric neurology with training given by professionals at the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital. We are a CSUR-accredited department in treating refractory epilepsy, ataxia and hereditary paraplegia, metabolic diseases, pediatric movement and sleep disorders, neuromuscular diseases and neuroectodermal diseases.
You will learn several new diagnostic methods: from the exploration techniques we use, to how and when to conduct additional tests, and to new treatments for pediatric neurological disease.