
Children, young patients and family involvement in the design of clinical research

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La acción formativa Children, young patients and family involvement in the design of clinical research tiene como objetivo capacitar para la correcta identificación de actividades en el desarrollo de proyectos de investigación en las que los pacientes puedan contribuir, diseñar la metodología adecuada para su desarrollo y medir el impacto alcanzado.

Training programme designed in the Conect4Children project. This project has received funding from the innovative medicines initiative 2 joint undertaking under grant agreement No 777389.

The Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA.


  • What do we mean by involvement? Why should we involve children, young patients and families?
  • Regulatory framework and CYP and family involvement.
  • Explore approaches on how to implement CYP and family involvement throughout the research pathway.
  • Practical planning for effective CYP and family involvement.
  • Ethics and CYP and family involvement.
  • Monitoring and evaluating the impact and added value of CYP and family involvement on the design and delivery of clinical research.

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Curso online
  • Evaluación de cada módulo formativo.
  • Evaluación final del curso mediante una lectura obligatoria y un cuestionario.
  • El curso se realizará en la plataforma online Conect4Children project en la cual le daremos acceso por email una vez realizada su incripción.

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Información clave

Dirección Aula Virtual Conect4Children project
Idioma Español
Horas lectivas 10h