Neurología Pediátrica

Pediatric Movement Disorders Series: KMT2B-dystonia

Inscripciones cerradas


Pediatric movement disorders are a constantly changing field of pediatric neurology that requires us to stay current. Many of the children affected by movement disorders suffer from a rare disease, which causes them to receive a late diagnosis due to the unawareness of these disorders.

KMT2B-related dystonia (DYT-KMT2B) is a complex movement disorder of childhood onset characterized by a progressive disease course that typically progresses from lower-limb focal dystonia to generalized dystonia with prominent cervical, cranial, and laryngeal involvement. Commonly reported are intellectual disability, eye movement abnormalities, and psychiatric comorbidities. There have been reports of milder and atypical manifestations.

Dirigido a

  • Pediatric Neurologist.
  • Adult Neurologist.
  • Biologists in health sciences.
  • Biochemists in health sciences.


  • To describe the movement disorder characteristics of DYT-KMT2B patients
  • To gain an understanding of the physiopathology of KMT2B-related disorders.
  • To depict the response to deep brain stimulation in DYT-KMT2B.


  • The webinar will be delivered via Zoom.
  • The link will be sent by email 24 hours in advance.

With the support:

Logo Sociedad Española de Neurología   Logo ERN

Información clave

Dirección Plataforma virtual | Hospital Sant Joan de Déu
Neurología Pediátrica
Idioma Inglés
Horas lectivas 1 h