Paediatric Palliative Care

We have been pioneers in Paediatric Palliative Care since 1991. We train professionals so that they can guarantee the wellbeing of children with serious incurable diseases and their families, using a comprehensive care model and coordination with both other hospital departments and local resources. Psychosocial care and follow-up during the mourning period form part of the bio-psychosocial and spiritual model that characterises our care. 

03 oct 24 17 oct 24

14 places

Soporte en procesos de duelo

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12 nov 24 12 dic 24

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Atención al paciente pediátrico con necesidades paliativas y enfermedad crónica compleja

Special price

20 Dec 19

EXPERT 3D, Transversal Programme in Medical Image Postprocess

65 estudiantes de 12 nacionalidades distintas han participado en la primera edición del curso EXPERT 3D. ¿Quieres conocer la experiencia?

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