Paediatric and Neonatal Transport

We train in the treatment, stabilization and transfer of critical paediatric and neonatal patients. We organise training activities to deepen knowledge of how medical transport works and improve efficiency in the inter-hospital transport of critically ill children and newborns. 

24 oct 24 23 nov 24

Places available

Soporte Vital Avanzado del Trauma Pediátrico (SVATP) | Módulo e-learning

10 oct 24 08 nov 24


Transporte pediátrico y neonatal

Special price

12 nov 24 10 dic 24

Places available

Ecografía en el paciente pediátrico politraumatizado

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20 Dec 19

EXPERT 3D, Transversal Programme in Medical Image Postprocess

65 estudiantes de 12 nacionalidades distintas han participado en la primera edición del curso EXPERT 3D. ¿Quieres conocer la experiencia?

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