Paediatric Intensive Care

We organise courses on advanced life support (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), advanced life support in paediatric trauma, ECMO, extrarenal purification and ultrasound in critical paediatric patients with the support of the Societat Catalan de Pediatria (Catalan Paediatric Society) and the Sociedad Española de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos (Spanish Paediatric Intensive Care Society), plus courses on invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation with the support of the European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC). Simulations form an essential part of all these courses. We also perform high-level simulations for experienced multidisciplinary teams (paediatric intensive care specialists, nurses and auxiliary clinical staff), recreating situations in critical paediatric patients that are essential to increase efficacy, efficiency and safety in all our clinical actions.

24 oct 24 23 nov 24

Places available

Soporte Vital Avanzado del Trauma Pediátrico (SVATP) | Módulo e-learning

10 sep 24 29 oct 24

Places available

Ecografía torácica en el niño y neonato crítico

20 sep 24

23 places

Ventilación mecánica | A medida

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14 Dec 20

La telesimulación en el WFPICCS con el Taller de ventilación no invasiva en directo

Este Taller abre la puerta a la organización de cursos online interactivos de alta calidad

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23 Jun 20

WEBINARS | Oncología pediátrica

Fórmate con los webinars del Servicio de Oncología Pediátrica del Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona.

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