
The priority objective of the Training Program is to perfect the qualifications and professional skills necessary to carry out translational research and excellence in the research lines prioritized by the IRSJD, and in Innovation.

We are committed to talent and the development of human capital and, with this objective, the 2019-2022 strategic plan includes several lines of work aimed at strengthening the training of research staff.

On the other hand, our commitment to the "HR Excellence in Research" recognition ensures compliance with the principles of the European Charter for researchers, and in this sense, the development of talent through training is of special relevance.

In addition, at the general context level, researchers also need to develop a series of skills that allow them to adapt to a flexible work environment (inside or outside our Institution). In this scenario, the development of generic and transferable skills also takes on special relevance.

This training plan is complemented with seminars and training activities carried out by the different institutions that make up the Sant Joan de Déu Research Institute.

01 jul 24 02 jul 24

5 places

Scientific Writing: Putting Why? Before How?

17 jul 24

Places available

Uptodate y ClinicalKey

10 sep 24 17 sep 24

Places available

Participación del paciente en investigación y aspectos éticos y legales

18 sep 24

Places available

Servicios, colecciones y recursos de la biblioteca SJD

See all +

16 Jan 24

Plan formativo 2024 para investigadores e investigadoras

Consulta el programa y el calendario para el año 2024.

More information

17 Jan 23

Plan formativo 2023 para investigadores e investigadoras

Consulta el programa y el calendario para el año 2023.

More information

21 Feb 22

Seminarios ofrecidos por la biblioteca Sant Joan de Déu

Consulta el programa de seminarios de la biblioteca para el año 2022.

More information
See all +