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Pediatric Surgery

Learn less invasive, more innovative surgical techniques in various fields: general, gastric, thoracic, fetal, neonatal, oncological, urological, plastic and maxillofacial. 

Courses, conferences and webinars

Masters and training stays


You will learn with specialists from the Pediatric Surgery Department of SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital.

Xavier Tarrado Castellarnau
Head of the Surgery Department
SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital

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Guided by excellence

The most up-to-date information on yearly training in the field of Pediatric Surgery.




training hours



2023 data

Varios profesionales médicos en una cirugía en un quirófano

Accredited to provide specialist training

Since 2004, our facility has been one of three Spanish hospitals in Europe certified by the UEMS (Union of European Medical Specialists) to train Pediatric Surgery specialists.

As a leading facility in Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) both nationally and internationally, we share the knowledge and expertise that we have amassed in clinical research and practice with you.  

Guidelines and protocols

Resources for families

A selection of informational content that may be useful for your patients and their families.

Escola de Salut
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