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Masters and Post-graduate Programmes

Discover the Masters and Post-graduate programmes directed by SJD professionals

Varios profesionales médicos en una cirugía en un quirófano

Our hospital is affiliated with the University of Barcelona

Our partnership with the University of Barcelona (UB), one of the most prestigious institutions for medical education, allows us to provide excellent pediatric and obstetric training.

We are also a nursing training centre in association with the SJD Teaching Campus, part of the University of Barcelona, where professionals from our pediatrics and nursing teams participate in post-graduate and master's level education for national and international professionals.

Completing a master's degree with us offers a unique opportunity to access cutting-edge resources, gain exposure to various specialities and enhance your career prospects.

Why Professionals Choose SJD

Teaching and research are fundamental pillars at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital. In association with the University of Barcelona, we offer educational excellence in pediatric medicine and obstetrics.

Master's degree in Neurometabolism And Cell Biology For Clinicians

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