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The Prechtl General Movements Assessment. Basic Course

Dates -
ModalityIn person
Price800 €
Teaching Hours27,5 h

Over the past 20 years, literature has shown that the evaluation of general movements (GM) is an early indicator for the diagnosis and prognosis of neurological disorders in newborns and infants.

Evidence indicates that using this evaluation method in the early stages of development is the best tool for detecting cerebral palsy. The goal of the basic course is to provide an introduction to the evaluation of general movements.

Participants in the advanced course will have the opportunity to learn detailed scoring systems. The course meets the specific standards set by GM Trust.

The course includes simultaneous translation into Spanish.

Upon completing the course, participants will be able to:

  • Assess typical development using the General Movements (GMs) Assessment.
  • Evaluate infants with brain injury using the GMs Assessment.
  • Describe how to incorporate the qualitative assessment method of GMs into clinical practice and research.
  • Distinguish between typical and atypical GMs in infants using the GMs Assessment.


Day 1

Introduction When, how and why do we start to move?
Normal General Movements (GMs) during preterm and term age and their clinical relevance.
Poor Repertoire GMs during preterm and term age.
Poor Repertoire GMS and normal GMs during preterm age.

Day 2

Cramped-Synchronized and Chaotic GMs during preterm and term age, and their clinical relevance.
Individual Developmental Trajectories (IDT): From birth to the end of the first month after term age.
Fidgety Movements and their clinical relevance.
Normal and absence of fidgety movements.

Day 3

Abnormal fidgety movements, their clinical relevance and practice on fidgety movements.
IDT of preterm born infants to fidgety age and their significance.
IDT of term-born infants with perinatal asphyxia. IDT of preterm infants from writhing to fidgety age.
GMs and cerebral palsy.

Day 4

Methodological considerations. Pretesting: GMs at different ages.
Reliability Testing.
Una pediatra choca la mano con su paciente, , mostrando una atención afectuosa y cercana.

Aimed at

  • Physiotherapists. 
  • Rehabilitation Specialists. 
  • Neonatologists. 
  • Pediatric Neurologists. 
  • Occupational Therapists. 
  • Other specialists involved in the field of Neonatology and Pediatric Neurology.
The Prechtl General Movements Assessment. Basic course
Dates - 
Registration deadlineUntil
ModalityIn person
Teaching Hours27,5 h
25  Places left: 4

Accredited training

Accreditation requested from the Consell Català de Formació Continuada Professions Sanitàries - Comisión de Formación Continuada del Sistema Nacional de Salud.



Sociedad Española de Rehabilitación Infantil.

The course meets the specific standards set by GM Trust:


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Secretaría técnica

Edificio Docente Sant Joan de Déu C. Díaz de la Fuente, 1. 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat (Barcelona)
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