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Surgical treatment of colorectal problems in children

Get updated with international referents in pediatric colorectal pathology.

Dates -
ModalityIn person
Price300 - 400 €
Teaching Hours25,5 h

Transform your practice with pediatric colorectal pathology experts

Pediatric colorectal pathology presents a complex spectrum of rare diseases that significantly affect the quality of life of patients, representing a great challenge for pediatric surgeons.

With the course Surgical treatment of colorectal problems in children you will be able to update your knowledge in the management of these pathologies during three intense days through live surgeries and training sessions by two world eminences: Dr. Alberto Peña and Dr. Andrea Bischoff.

Alberto Peña y Andrea Bischoff ponentes de la Formación Tratamiento quirúrgico de los problemas colorectales en niños

At the end of this training you will be able to:

  • Update your theoretical knowledge on pediatric colorectal pathology, covering diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.
  • To perfect your surgical skills in the treatment of pediatric colorectal pathology, applying the most advanced and effective techniques.

Improve your skills in:

Clinical Assistance ProceduresDecision makingKnowledge and understanding of pathologiesInterpreting resultsDiagnostic skills


1. Live broadcasting of surgeries and interactive discussion with the audience.

2. Training sessions

Item 1
Prenatal diagnosis.
Item 2
Anorectal malformation in children.
Item 3
Anorectal malformation in girls.
Item 4
Management of the newborn with anorectal malformation.
Item 5
Gynecology in anorectal malformation.
Item 6
Cloaca and cloacal exstrophy.
Item 7
Medical management of fecal incontinence and constipation.
Item 8
Radiology in anorectal malformation.
Item 9
Reoperations in anorectal malformation.
Item 10
Pre and postoperative care in anorectal malformation.
Item 11
Transition to adult care for patients with anorectal malformation.
Primer plano de un enfermero sonriendo con equipo médico detrás discutiendo un caso clínico

Aimed at

  • Pediatric Surgeons
  • Neonatologists
  • Gynecologists
  • Radiologists
  • Pediatric Gastroenterologists
  • Specialized nurses
  • Residents or physicians interested in acquiring knowledge about these pathologies

Learning experience

We have designed a complete program, carefully prepared with the participation of expert speakers to guarantee you a high-level training experience.

Opciones de la formación

Tratamiento quirúrgico de los problemas colorectales en niños
Dates - 
Registration deadlineUntil
ModalityIn person
Teaching Hours25,5 h
AccreditationSolicitada la acreditación Europea EAACME (SEAFORMEC)
200  Places left: 51
Trainees: 300 €
SECP and EUPSA members: 360 €
Trainees SECP and EUPSA members: 270 €

Endorsed by

Do you need more information?

Write to us and we will answer your questions about the program.

Training Administration Office

Sant Joan de Déu Education. C. Díaz de la Fuente, 1. 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat (Barcelona)
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