Cures Intensives Pediàtriques

ESPNIC Course of NIV for trainers in acute setting

300 €

8 places


This course overlaps with the ESPNIC NIV Basic course. Therefore, during the first day, you will have the opportunity to work shadowing NIV instructors with huge experience. On the second day, you will be able to work in three skill stations (Pediatric, CPAP for infants/neonates, Bilevel for infants/neonates) and you will learn how to teach interface and ventilator‘s choice, setting modalities, parameters, and respiratory monitoring. You will also work on failure analysis through interactive clinical cases during skill stations.

At the end of the course you will be able to share with your future attendees extensive and detailed information about the majority of the material available in the market and to develop appropriate clinical scenarios for the hands-on session. 

Dirigit a

  • Paediatric Pneumonologists
  • Paediatric Intensivists
  • Paediatric Anesthesiologists


  1. Analysis of failure. Asynchrony in NIV. Basics of NAVA.
  2. Basic rules for playing advanced simulation.
  3. Analysis of failure (hypoxemia/hypercapnia).
  4. Skill station ICEMAN: Advanced simulation.
  5. Running clinical scenarios.
    1. Skill station: CPAP in infant / Neonates.
    2. Skill Station: Bilevel in infant.
  6. Failure analysis (asynchrony).
  7. Skill station: Failure analysis (2–3 groups).

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Price: €300.

Informació clau

Adreça Formación Hospital Sant Joan de Déu
Carrer de Santa Rosa, 39-57
08950 Esplugues de Llobregat
25/10/2024 - 26/10/2024
7:45 - 20:00 h | 08:30 - 17:00 h
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Cures Intensives Pediàtriques
Idioma Anglès
Hores lectives 17 h